How can you drive "free" traffic to your blog? You can't. Butthat's only because nothing is really free. In the end you caneither buy traffic with money or you can buy traffic byinvesting time. Time IS money, hence my statement that there'sno free traffic.
If your goal is to drive traffic to your blog and pay for itwith an investment of your time, instead of with gold or coinof the realm, then you're in luck because that is entirelypossible if you are ingenious enough to figure out the bestways to do it.
Therein lies the problem. Let's make believe that time reallyIS money. Let's make believe that you only have 10 hours inyour "time bank account" to spend on finding ingenious ways todrive traffic to your blog without writing checks or whippingout the charge card. How should you invest that money?
The answer for most people is to start sniffing around theInternet looking for other people's ideas and suggestions.You'll run across all of the amateur ideas like: "Advertiseyour blog on Free-For-All (FFA) link sites" or "join e-mailsafe lists". Yeah, why not just post ads everywhere saying"Here is my email address. Please SPAM me". Because that's allyou are going to get in return.
Moving a bit further up the idea chain you'll probablyencounter people who say "Get links from other blogs thatpoint to yours". Now that's a wonderful idea, and it doeswork, but consider this: There is new blog appearing on theInternet every 7.8 seconds! If every blogger started askingevery other blogger for reciprocal links, then entire Internetwould likely come to a dead stop in about a week due to theshear volume of email that all of those requests wouldgenerate. Not to mention all of the time that you have tospend finding suitable blogs to link to, contacting the ownersand managing the link process.
If you've only got those imaginary 10 hours to spend onfinding ways to drive free traffic to your site, then you haveto zoom in on those underutilized "secret", not-everyone-and-his-brother-is-doing. "ah ha moment" methods that showcaseyour blog like a lamp burning at the top of a mountain atnight. You need solid ideas that really work.
The best way to find solid ideas that really work is to findsomeone who already has invested the time in discovering andimproving those ways and who is willing to share them withyou.
That means that the best way to DISCOVER free ways to drivetraffic to your blog is to BUY those secrets from a pro. Sure,you're spending money to acquire the information, but you'llend up with some great traffic-builders that aren't going tocost you a penny out of your REAL banking account toimplement.
The end result is: You get free, quality traffic to your blogand you didn't waste 10 hours (10 weeks is more like it),trying every harebrain scheme that you encountered on the 'netwhile you were looking.
Go to the experts when you need help. That's my idea ofinvesting your time AND your money wisely.
About the Author:
John Taylor is a prolific writer, he is the author of several Internet Marketing related eBooks, for example... & John is also runs a very successful "Virtual Internet Portfolio" Learn how you too can become a VIP owner with John's latest free report: |