making money from internet

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Make Money Blogging.
-Brian Pratt

A free blog is an excellent way of beginning your online empire. Costs are low and potential returns are high.

Getting started is easy. Just head over to and setup your blog. Alternatively if you want a more feature rich platform, consider getting your own domain and web hosting so you can take advantage of freeware like Wordpress. Many people start with Blogger then move to Wordpress once they grow in confidence,

Pick a topic you are really interested in and which has good keyword traffic (these are the words people use to search for things in search engines). DigitalPoint has a free keyword tool that is very easy to use. You can also check your keyword (or tag) out at Technorati to see how popular it is. In general, the most popular keywords are the most profitable.

Now, all you need to do, is ensure you post something every day, then when the post is done tell the world that you have updated your blog. You do this by issuing a ‘ping’. Platforms like Wordpress do this automatically. If you use Blogger then you must use a service like Pingomatic to do it for you.

As the number of your posts increase, search engines will regularly stop by to pick up new content. Your visitors will begin to grow. Your objective is to get as many visitors as possible to visit your blog. The more people who visit your blog the more money you will make.

Make no mistake, the opportunity is there. The top blogs make in excess of $10,000 per month. But be warned, there are no shortcuts. Lots of hard work, unique fresh content and a dash of inspiration and you too can achieve these returns.

By now you will have put in the hard work to develop your weblog. It's become a labor of love. Now its time for all that hard work to pay off. Here are some suggestions for making money with your blog:

(1) One of the most popular methods of making money with blogs is to host ads. Google Adsense is a good example. You let Google put their ads on your site and get paid when people click on the ads. Other advertising works in a similar way. Blogads, Adbrite, Chikita and Double click are other examples of paid advertising.

(2) For a fee you can allow people to place links to their blog or website on your blog. These advertising positions can be sold on Ebay, via somewhere like TextLink Brokers or directly from your site.

(3) Affiliate programs work on blogs as well as they work on websites. Affiliate with companies that sell products related to your site. When people click on the link in your blog and purchase a product, you profit. This is another way of making money online with blogs that doesn't cost you anything. If you are passionate about a product and write about it, this can work very well.

(4) If you have a website, blog about some aspect of it and provide a link. Your weblog can effectively sell the product, and all the customer has to do is click to your site and order it.

There are many ways to make money with your blog. I hope this simple guide helps you on the way to earning a good return.

As a parting piece of advice, don’t believe the hype you read. There are no short cuts. You are unlikely to make instant, riches, but with some hard work and great content, you can generate a good additional income from your blog.

About The Author: Brian is a 48 year old New Zealander with over 10 years internet experience. If you are looking for a home business opportunity be sure to view his website at
posted by birdflu2006 @ 2:24 AM   0 comments
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Ten Cardinal Rules Of Blogging
-Jim Estill

It was easier when I was running EMJ, since I had built EMJ slowly over 25 years so people got to know me better as the company grew. At SYNNEX, I have a whole new group of people who wondered about who I was. Blogging was one way to bridge this gap.

I am a life long learner. Doing SYNNEX threw me into a huge and fast learning curve. Part of me wants to share and inspire people. Blogging was a natural way for me to do this.

From this experience I came up with Jim Estill’s Ten Rules of Blogging:

1. Have a theme. This helps attract readers. It provides a framework around which to blog. I chose Time Leadership as my theme. I have had a long interest in the use of time and published an audio book on time management. I am constantly looking for new time reducing ideas to add to my present material.

2. Blogging obligates you to do more blogging. It is just like writing a newspaper column. If you have a lot of people reading your blog, they expect to see new material. I blog about 5 or 6 days per week and occasionally skip a day, but not often. I now know the pressure writers on deadlines must feel.

3. Blogging is a two-way street. You must respond to the comments you will get. The larger the blog following, the more comments you will get.

4. Blogging takes time. One of my time rules is – if I add something to my schedule that takes time; I need to delete something that takes the same amount of time. For me, it takes about 15 to 20 minutes per day and I write quickly and keep it brief.

5. Be legal. Of course this is obvious but I mean more than just being legal -- be careful of giving away information that could be considered to be business confidential. There have been cases where people have lost their job because the company does not like what has been said in the blog.

6. Keep a file of blog ideas. I keep an electronic file and a paper one. This material gives me something to say when sometimes I am not as inspired to blog. It can also be something that prompts me on writing in my blog. I know I often find myself thinking in terms of what might make good blog material.

7. Provide links from your blog. People who read blogs are used to being able to click on interesting topics and going right to the web page with the information. After all, this is the internet.

8. Only start blogging if you like to write. Even though I like to write, I do often find it to be a bit of a challenge.

9. Be authentic. I think the readers appreciate it. I think it would be hard to have a ghost writer do a blog. It would be difficult to appear real.

10. Be patient. Don’t expect 10,000 readers in the first month. Readership grows over time. I follow my stats, and I notice my weekend readership is about half my readership during the week.

And now that I have written this article – am I less mysterious?

About The Author: Jim Estill started his business from the trunk of his car and grew into to $375 Million in sales before selling it to SYNNEX. He is now CEO of SYNNEX Canada a $1 Billion computer wholesaler. he is a regular blogger at
posted by birdflu2006 @ 2:20 AM   0 comments
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